
Discover new Market and Consumer trends.

Meatless Meat:

With the Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger expanding throughout fast-food chains across the country, the meatless meat trend is disrupting business as usual…

“Through the use of analytics, we stay informed about evolving market trends and consumer preferences, ensuring we remain up-to-date with the latest insights for our customers.”

Brooke Brottman

Strategic Insight Analyst

Brooke Brottman  Strategic Insight Analyst
Brooke Brottman  Strategic Insight Analyst

Meeting the Demand for Healthy Snacks

The growing demand for healthy snacks is inspiring innovation throughout the snack foods category. Learn which healthy snacks are trending and why—plus inside…

Cold Comfort

For years, the idea of a great-tasting, guilt free frozen dessert has always been just that — largely an idea. Then Halo Top came along, racking up $342.2…

Our Top 5 Mega Movements

We often refer to changes in consumer behavior as ‘trends’. But the word trend can seem very short sighted...after all, trends come and go. We feel these five…

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