bowl of muesli

Wyldsson Food Startup Scores Gluten Free Gold

New online food start up company Wyldsson has been causing waves with its plant-based, gluten free healthy snack and breakfast products.

When Wyldsson Elite Nutrition was looking to add a gluten free muesli and porridge oat range to its fast growing portfolio, OatPure® gluten free oats from Glanbia Nutritionals were the only contender to meet Wyldsson Elite Nutrition's strict criteria. Yves Vantomme, business development manager at Glanbia Nutritionals said: “We are delighted to work with Wyldsson Elite Nutrition, whose determination to offer only the purest foods and ingredients mirrors our own. With gluten free eating firmly established in the mainstream, we’re seeing huge interest in our authentic, pure and great tasting OatPure gluten free oats.

“Our ethos is very simple. We only use natural ingredients like our organic banana from Ecuador and our mulberries, which are wonderfully sweet without any added sugars. When we were looking for a gluten free oat, we were impressed by the nutty taste and mouthfeel and the independently certified gluten free guarantee of Glanbia’s OatPure oats. Our muesli, made with OatPure oats, is listed in the official Coeliac UK Food Directory of gluten free products.” Dave McGeady

Founder Dave McGeady identified a huge gulf between the desire for and the availability of food products that are genuinely nutritious but also taste good. Dismayed at the typically high levels of added sugars, high fructose corn syrup and preservatives in snacks like trail mix, McGeady set up on the promise of using only natural ingredients, and combining them in such a way that they are healthy and taste great.

OatPure gluten free oats from Glanbia Nutritionals are guaranteed to contain fewer than 10 parts per million gluten, half the amount recommended by EU guidelines. This is achieved through Glanbia’s wholly owned, independently audited, OatSecure™ closed loop supply chain that eliminates any potential for cross-contamination from other grains. Long recognised for their healthy benefits of slow release carbohydrates, ALA omega-3s, fibre and beta glucans, and linked with helping to reduce cholesterol, oats are fast emerging as the new hero of gluten free eating.

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