
Glanbia Nutritionals’ 2023 MegaTrends Webinar

The Insights & Content team at Glanbia Nutritionals is proud to share the latest installment of their MegaTrends, curated specifically for the nutrition space. 

This webinar is best for:

  • Product formulators and R&D scientists
  • Brand & product managers in the nutrition space

Combining external sources with Glanbia Nutritionals’ own consumer analysis, Director of Insights & Content, Niki Kennedy will share the team’s latest global trend assessment and what manufacturers & brands may expect in the future of food, beverage & beyond. The world looks different than it did in our first installment in 2018, so we’ve re-vamped our MegaTrends and will unveil our latest finding in this can’t miss live event. 

We’ll explore our five trends driving key consumer categories, including: 

Finding ‘Eatopia’ 

  • The future of consuming our way to the ideal state


  • The new metrics of health & vitality
  • Diets of today and the future 

Personalized Performance

  • The next frontier of athletic & sports performance 


  • Empowering brands to connect with consumers


  • Future of collaboration 

All registrants & attendees will also receive access to our MegaTrends eGuide, packed with consumer insights, how we see the trend playing out today, and what it could mean for the future of nutrition. 

Meet Our Presenter 




Niki Kennedy  
Director of Insights & Content

With over a decade of experience in the B2B ingredient space, Niki specializes in market & consumer research in the food, beverage & supplement industry. She’s held various roles in the Glanbia organization, including her most recent role as Director of Insights & Content. She leads a team of industry thought-leaders & insights experts in primary research, market analysis, trend identification, and curating content across all Glanbia Nutritionals categories and solutions.

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