
PepForm® Tryptophan

Formulate sleep aids with proven next day cognitive benefits that help promote the body’s own natural melatonin without the addition of hormones, in a more soluble and bioavailable way.

A good night’s sleep is critical for good health and results in better mood, cognitive and physical performance however more than one third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, according to a 2016 CDC study1. US market trends reflect consumers’ need for a good night’s sleep, with the growth of sleep aids projected at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2016 to 2021. It’s clear consumers are interested and looking for ways to improve their sleep and cognition with 12.7K social mentions of sleep and 28.2K of cognitive supplements online2.

PepForm Tryptophan is an ideal solution to this growing consumer need.

The sleep aid for improved cognition

Tryptophan Supports Sleep and Cognitive Performance

Melatonin is synthesized from tryptophan, which is an essential dietary amino acid. Tryptophan allows for the natural production of melatonin within the body, which governs the body’s circadian rhythm, helping to regulate sleep cycles. 

Tryptophan is the only amino acid that is converted to serotonin via the conversion of 5 hydroxytryptamine (5 HTP). For your body to produce serotonin, it needs a sufficient supply of tryptophan3,4. Increasing tryptophan levels leads to a simultaneous increase in brain serotonin production and can improve sleep, mood and memory with positive effects on behavior5,6,7.

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PepForm® Peptide Carrier Technology

PepForm binds free form amino acids or bioactive compounds to peptides isolated from fresh sweet whey using advanced fractionation and separation technologies.

  • PepForm peptide carrier technology significantly improves the solubility and utilization of amino acids
  • Free amino acids like Tryptophan are highly insoluble due to their hydrophobic features,1 however when bound to a peptide carrier, Tryptophan becomes highly soluble.

PepForm Peptides Completely Dissolve in Solution

  • Improved solubility
  • Higher bioavailability
  • Improved flavor and odor

Combined to Provide Superior Benefits

Combined together, PepForm Tryptophan provides the body access to larger amounts of tryptophan which increases the natural production of melatonin.

  • Soluble form of tryptophan suitable for ready-to-mix and ready-to-drink beverages
  • Low dose required – 1.3g
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PepForm® Tryptophan Clinical Study Shows Positive Results for Improved Daytime Function8

Study Goal

Study Design


  • To determine how PepForm Tryptophan can affect daytime cognitive functioning and performance
  • Randomized, double-blind, parallel, placebo controlled clinical study
  • Daytime functioning (PSQI)
  • Assess the effect of Pepform Tryptophan on Daytime Dysfunction as measured (PSQI)1
  • 2 Groups: PepForm Tryptophan (500mg tryptophan) and placebo
  • Trail making test
  • To determine the effect of Pepform Tryptophan on changes in Executive/ Cognitive function as measured by the Trail Making Test2
  • 32 healthy subjects  
  • Measurements were recorded at baseline week 2 and week 4.


  • 4 week study


Daytime Dysfunction results


Pepform Tryptophan supplementation significantly improved daytime functioning from baseline at week 2 and week 4.

Placebo had no significant change.

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PepForm Tryptophan supplementation improves daytime functioning, alertness and performance.

Trail Making Test Results

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trail making chart
  • PepForm Tryptophan supplementation significantly reduced the occurrence of errors on a trail making test after 2 weeks. 
  • No errors were made by the PepForm Tryptophan group.


PepForm Tryptophan supplementation significantly improves speed on a trail making test after 2 weeks indicating an improvement in cognitive processing speed and flexibility.

1. Liu, Yong. “Prevalence of healthy sleep duration among adults—United States, 2014.” MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 65 (2016), 2. Glanbia Nutritionals Social Listening Report, 3. Sandyk R. L-tryptophan in neuropsychiatric disorders: a review. Int J Neurosci. 1992 Nov-Dec;67(1-4):127-44, 4. Fernstrom JD. Role of precursor availability in control of monoamine biosynthesis in brain. Physiol Rev. 1983;63:484–546, 5. Bell C, Abrams J, Nutt D. Tryptophan depletion and its implications for psychiatry. Br J Psychiatry. 2001 May;178:399-405, 6. Fernstrom JD, Wurtman RJ. Brain serotonin content: Physiological regulation by plasma neutral amino acids. Science. 1972;178(4059):414–16, 7. Nishizawa S, Benkelfat C, Young SN, et al. Differences between males and females in rates of serotonin synthesis in human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1997;94:5308–13, 8. Glanbia Nutritionals study. Data on file.

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