
The Future of Healthy Snacking in ASPAC

Protein snacks fulfill a range of needs beyond the gym, positioning them as one of the key emerging ASPAC healthy snack trends. Discover what’s driving growth in the protein bar market and the opportunities ahead.


  • Protein snacks are shifting toward the mainstream as a healthy option for many occasions.
  • Usage occasions beyond exercise range from "meal substitute" to "better-for-you treat."
  • Growth opportunities include new messaging and formats, plus the right tastes and textures.

Protein Snacks Perceived as Healthier

Protein snacks are a trend that will likely dominate in ASPAC in the coming year. More than one in three (35%) Asian consumers aged 16-64 have consumed a protein bar or other protein snack in the last three months,1 indicating the category is no longer niche. At the same time, a sizable opportunity remains, particularly through new users and increased consumption frequency.

Consumer research in the Asian market shows that snacks with added protein are perceived as healthier than snacks without it.2 Furthermore, consumers report they have increased their consumption of the snacks they consider healthy.3 Factors driving the growth of protein snacks include more consumers seeking to improve their health, growing recognition of the benefits of protein, and an increase in overall snacking.

The Expanding Protein Bar Market

Despite protein bars being newer to the market, their sales globally rival those of the more mature snack bar market.4 In ASPAC, the $813 million high protein bar market is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.18% to reach $1.097 million in 2027.5 In China, it’s estimated to grow by 10.1%.6

What makes protein bars one of the most important ASPAC healthy snack trends to watch is their expansion into more mainstream uses. While almost half of consumption is before or after exercising at the gym, 31% of protein bar users have eaten them during a work or study break and 33% while watching TV or playing video games.7 Protein snacks address a wide range of needs—from meal substitutes to a better-for-you treat.8

Future of Healthy Snacking in ASPAC

Future of Healthy Snacking in ASPAC

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Needs Addressed by Protein Snacks

Question: The last time you consumed a protein snack, why did you choose that particular snack?

  • For a mental break/to reduce stress (35%)
  • Energy to refocus and refuel (34%)
  • Better-for-you treat or reward (33%)
  • Morning energy to fuel the day (33%)
  • As a substitute for a meal (32%)
  • To have something really tasty (31%)9
woman looking at cereal

Growth Opportunities for Protein Snacks

1. Expanded Messaging

Companies can encourage new use and usage increases by expanding their messaging to show how protein snacks address different need states and snacking occasions. Beyond exercise support, protein snacks make a convenient and nutritious meal replacement (particularly for breakfast when in a hurry) and a healthy, tasty option while on a break or relaxing. Protein snacks can be a good fit for work, school, and home, as well as at the gym.

2. Great Taste

Besides messaging that aligns with consumers’ varied needs, companies should provide protein snacks that taste delicious. For Chinese consumers, “great tasting” is the most crucial attribute in a protein/energy bar after “all-natural” and “high protein.”10 Indulgent flavors (including chocolate, cookies and cream, and caramel nuts and chocolate) are highly-ranked protein bar flavors in Japan and South Korea, while the top three in China are chocolate, yogurt, and peach.11

cookies and tea

3. Appealing Texture

Texture is another critical part of the sensory experience that influences a consumer’s enjoyment of the product. In Asia, crispy (47%) and crunchy (40%) are the most preferred protein bar textures, ahead of soft (35%) and chewy (35%).12 Fortifying with functional proteins is a way to achieve a specific product texture in a protein bar or other protein snack. Functional proteins also minimize texture changes over time to improve shelf life.

4. New Formats

Alternative protein snack formats to bars provide another opportunity to appeal to consumers. Consumer research shows Asian consumers are interested in protein cookies (46%) and pastries (41%), as well as protein crisps (38%) and crackers (36%).13 New sweet and savory formats can potentially add 33% incremental users of protein snacks beyond bars.14

Your Trusted Ingredient Partner

These emerging ASPAC healthy snack trends are creating new opportunities for brands to meet consumers’ evolving needs. The growing number of healthy lifestyle consumers means choosing the right ingredients for your product is more important than ever. While these products must be nutritious, they should also be delicious to keep consumers coming back.

Glanbia Nutritionals has the ingredients and expertise in bar development to help you succeed in the protein bar market. Our wide range of high-quality functional proteins allows you to formulate just the texture you’re looking for in a protein bar, baked good, or extruded snack. 

Contact Glanbia Nutritionals to learn more.


1-3. Glanbia Nutritionals, Healthy Snacking U&A, 2022.
4. Mintel, June 2022.
5-6. Euromonitor Passport, September 2022.
7-14. Glanbia Nutritionals, Healthy Snacking U&A, 2022.

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