
Why Use a Premix?

Here are four ways premixes will save you time, and ten ways a premix will save you money.

For fortifying or enriching food, beverage, or supplement products, why should you consider using a nutrient premix? Why use a premix when you could formulate with the individual nutrients? In short, with a customized nutrient premix, you save time and money, and you save yourself development stress because you are getting expert guidance from your supplier and the benefits of advanced technology.

Four ways that a premix will save you time:

  1. Improves purchasing efficiency by minimizing the number of raw materials and vendors.
  2. Premix supplier’s Certificate of Analysis reduces the Quality Control process at your facility.
  3. Reduces the lengthy scaling (weighing of each ingredient) process.
  4. Premix homogeneity simplifies the finished good Quality Control process.
Premixes: The Benefits and How to Choose the Right Partner

Premixes: The Benefits and How to Choose the Right Partner

Download the eGuide today! 

Ten ways a premix will save you money compared to the alternative, which is buying individual nutrients:

  1. Reduces freight costs on individual ingredients.
  2. Reduces inventory / warehousing.
  3. Eliminates costly scaling errors.
  4. Reduces waste.
  5. Reduces labor costs.
  6. Reduces Quality Control costs.
  7. Reduces the need for outside assays.
  8. Reduces the number of purchase orders processed.
  9. Simplifies the complex product development process.
  10. Delivers optimum nutrient value.

To create a homogenous blend, parameters like particle-size distribution and stability must be taken into account without introducing variables that could compromise the taste, texture, or appearance of the end-product. Mitigating these variables is done through technologies ranging from microencapsulation, micronization, trituration and granulation. Microencapsulation can be utilized to mask strong, undesirable flavors of certain additives, for instance. Micronization or agglomeration can be used to decrease or increase particle size. These capabilities allow the manufacturer to incorporate a range of ingredients in a formulation.

With the expert product development support and technical guidance you get when you work with a custom premix supplier—from custom blend formulating to ingredient sourcing, evaluation and testing through to the final premix blending—you’ll save time and money and know that your product quality is always on target.

To learn more about our custom premix solution service and what collaborating with Glanbia Nutritionals can offer, download our Custom Nutrient Premix Guide or contact us today.

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