soap and a hand

Personal Care

Our complete line of high-quality nutrients helps customers create products that support healthy skin and overall beauty from within. Our vitamins, minerals, and botanicals help our customers fortify their products with antimicrobial properties and essential ingredients for improving and repairing skin.

Bioactive Ingredients

We use advanced processing technologies to make science-based bioactive ingredients that target improved overall skin health.

Our Solution

Bioferrin® Lactoferrin

This natural, bioactive milk protein is isolated from fresh, sweet whey using advanced fractionation and separation processing technologies. Its iron binding and immune modulating benefits support immune health and the balance and absorption of iron within the body. An excellent solution for infant formula, ready-to-mix powders, chewables, effervescents, bars, tablets, and capsules.


Our extensive portfolio of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanicals provides a wide spectrum of health benefits and are ideally suited for many different applications. Sourced from proven domestic and overseas manufacturing partners, all are carefully screened and quality assured.

Learn more about our Micronutrients

TechVantage® Functionally Optimised Nutrient Technologies

In-house technologies used to improve the functionality of nutrients in your food, beverage and supplement products. Our functionally optimised nutrient portfolio covers a wide variety of categories including vitamins, minerals, botanicals, amino acids, sweeteners, carbohydrates, fats (oils), fibers and acids. 

Functionally optimised benefits include:

  • easier material handling in a powder form
  • reduction in overages resulting in cost savings
  • standardized particle size for more uniform distribution in a blend
  • potency protection and stability during processing and shelf life
  • flavor and odor masking of objectionable tasting ingredients
  • easy dispersion and improved solubility in solution
Our Solution

NutraShield® - Micronencapsulations

NutraShield microencapsulated nutrients have a protective coating called a matrix applied around the nutrients core. The matrix keeps the active ingredient locked in and stabilized.

Microencapsulation enhances the impact and function of nutrients in a variety of ways, including masking odors and flavors, improving stability, controlling color intensity, converting oils to powders and delaying the release of nutrient. These ingredients are commonly used in dietary supplements, bars, cereals, snacks, powder drink mixes, beverages, infant nutrition, and medical food, to name a few. Methods used include core and shell encapsulation and matrix encapsulation.

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We’re built to help solve your next nutrition challenge. Send us your request to see how our expertise can add to your products and business.

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