pills watson functionally optimized nutrients


Functionally Optimised Nutrient Technologies

In-house technologies used to improve the functionality of nutrients in your food, beverage and supplement products. Our functionally optimised nutrient portfolio covers a wide variety of categories including vitamins, minerals, botanicals, amino acids, sweeteners, carbohydrates, fats (oils), fibers and acids. Our TechVantage functionally optimised nutrient technologies provide optimizations in the areas of color/clarity, taste, stability, dispersibility and bioavailability.

NutraShield® Miroencapsulations

NutraShield microencapsulated nutrients have a protective coating called a matrix applied around the nutrients core. The matrix keeps the active ingredient locked in and stabilised.

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Microencapsulation transforms nutrients in a variety of ways to improve functionality, including masking odours and flavours, improving stability, controlling colour intensity, converting oils to powders and delaying the release of nutrients. These ingredients are commonly used in dietary supplements, bars, cereals, snacks, powder drink mixes, beverages, infant nutrition, and medical food, to name a few. Methods used include core and shell encapsulation and matrix encapsulation.

NutraShield nutrients are available in these categories:

UniTrit® Triturations

UniTrit triturated nutrients are standardized on a carrier for homogeneous delivery of nutrients.

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Trituration allows for easier distribution in the final blend and for ease of scaling. Triturated nutrients can be customized to any level of active to carrier ratio or percentage. The process ensures correct dosage and prevention of costly overages and errors. Ideal for dietary supplements and foods.

UniTrit nutrients are available in these categories:

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