
2023 MegaTrends eGuide

At any given time, numerous trends are rising and declining around the globe. However, in the midst of these, a few fundamental themes with the potential for large-scale impact can shine through. These trends, known as MegaTrends, have the ability to impact many different industries and redefine culture and daily life in significant ways.

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Title 2023 MegaTrends eGuide
Reading time 12 minutes
Published December 19, 2022


If you understand the trends, then you can develop strategies that align with consumers’ current interests so no opportunities are missed. This ensures you’re providing the right products and experiences for your consumers at the right time—a clear path to healthy sales and loyal consumers. 

Knowing how to spot MegaTrends is both an art and a science. Glanbia Nutritionals analyzes sources ranging from market reports and primary research to trade shows and social media in search of the next emerging trends. For 2023, there are five MegaTrends especially significant for the food and beverage industry. This guide is a snapshot of each of them, so that food and beverage manufacturers can know what’s ahead for next year and beyond.

MegaTrend #1: Eatopia

In the wake of the pandemic, consumers have become much more aware of their own health and wellness—both physical and mental. They want to feel good, and they’re taking steps to make it happen. We’re seeing consumers now turn to food and beverage not just for comfort or health but as a way to achieve total wellness.

MegaTrend #2: Refocusing

Health and wellness is the top consumer spending priority right now. Outside of basic living essentials, more consumers globally (61%) plan to increase their spending on health and wellness in the next 12 months than on any other category, including education, social gatherings, and fashion/personal care. 

MegaTrend #3: Personalized Performance

While personalization is a trend playing out across the wellness space, its biggest impact will be felt first by performance-focused consumers. Consumers intuitively know that one doesn’t fit all when it comes to nutrition, and nowhere is this more evident than among athletes.

MegaTrend #4: Authenticity

Today’s consumers are wary of slick marketing techniques like “greenwashing” that have been used in the past to gain their trust. They want to support brands and products that are authentic and transparent in their missions, whatever they may be—from environmental to social causes.

MegaTrend #5: Co-Creation

Consumer trust in large businesses has declined over the past 12 months in North America, Europe, and globally. Inviting consumers to collaborate on new products and even strategies is a way to give them a voice and help build trust. Limited-time offer (LTO) flavors based on consumer feedback are becoming especially popular—and profitable.

Partner with Us

At Glanbia Nutritionals, we’re built around you. We support our customers’ success through actionable insights that give them an edge in an ever-changing and competitive market. Trend mapping, innovation support, and customer collaboration help set us apart from other ingredient companies and provide added value beyond the high-quality ingredients they expect. Sign up to our newsletter below to stay up to date on our next event or contact us today to learn more. 

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