Utilizing our BarPro, BarFlex and BarHarvest protein solutions, we’ve developed Crunchie extruded crisps, bites, loops, and curls.
Small and round, Crisps are ideal for bar and snack inclusions, delivering exceptional texture and an enjoyable crunch to a product throughout shelf life, creating a delightful eating experience. Clean flavor requiring no masking. Visually appealing with consistent shape, size, and color. Contains high-quality milk (>74%), whey (>70), or pea (50%) protein for an extra protein boost.
Large and round, Bites are ideal for use as a snack or cereal, delivering exceptional texture and an enjoyable crunch to a product throughout shelf life, creating a delightful eating experience. Clean flavor requiring no masking. Visually appealing with consistent shape, size, and color. Contains high-quality milk (>74%) or pea (50%) protein for an extra protein boost. Perfect for applications where you might want to add a seasoning or coating.
Circular in shape, Loops are ideal for use as a snack or cereal, delivering exceptional texture and an enjoyable crunch to a product throughout shelf life, creating a delightful eating experience. Clean flavor requiring no masking. Visually appealing with consistent shape, size, and color. Contains high-quality milk (>74%) protein for an extra protein boost. Perfect for applications where you might want to add a seasoning or coating.
Long and curved, Curls are ideal for use as a snack, delivering exceptional texture and an enjoyable crunch to a product throughout shelf life, creating a delightful eating experience. Clean flavor requiring no masking. Visually appealing with consistent shape, size, and color. Contains high-quality milk (>74%) protein for an extra protein boost. Perfect for applications where you might want to add a seasoning or coating.
Learn more about our Protein Solutions for Extruded Inclusions, Snacks & Cereal