
Healthy Aging – Boomer

Part 2 of "For Every Step of Life's Journey" Product Concept Line-Up

Born from 1946-1964, Boomers are focused on embracing the aging process, fun and functional treats, and a healthy indulgence. 


Download all Volume 3 - Part 2 Product Concepts here!


Source 1. April 2014. Just How Many Baby Boomers Are There? Sourced from here.
Source 2. Investopia. Understanding the Baby Boomer. January 2021. Sourced from here.
Source 3 . PEW Research Institute. Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation. April 2020. Sourced from here
Source 4. Bloomberg. The 50 Richest Americans Are Worth as Much as the Poorest 165 Million. October 2020. Sourced from here.
Source 5. Mintel, Brands embrace a new era of positive ageing, Sept 2018. 
Source 6. Glanbia Nutritionals CINT Survey, May-June 2019. Source 3. Food Business News. Snacking innovation for the older generation. May 2018.

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