Gen Z

Healthy Aging - Gen Z

Part 2 of "For Every Step of Life's Journey" Product Concept Line-Up

Born from 1997-2012, Gen Zers are focused on the social and shareable aspect of food, plant-based options, and a clean label.  


Download all Volume 3 - Part 2 Product Concepts here!


Source 1. Pew Research Center. September 2021. From here.
Source 2. Pew Research Center. On the Cusp of Adulthood and Facing an Uncertain Future: What We Know About Gen Z So Far. May 2020. From here.
Source 3. Glanbia Nutritionals Proprietary COVID-19 Consumer Tracker – Feb March April 2021. 
Source 4. SHRM COVID-19 Pandemic Is Hitting Gen Z Hard. Find Ways to Connect. August 2020. From here.  
Source 5. Catalyst. Generations—Demographic trends in Population and workforce: Quick Take. (March 2, 2021). 
Source 6. UN, Euromonitor. Accessed September 2020. Glanbia Nutritionals Mega Trend Analysis. March 2021. 
Source 7. NPD Group. 3 Ways to Win Over the Thrifty Gen Z Consumer. September 2019. Sourced from here.
Source 8. SWNS Digital. Research reveals young Americans are likely to shift away from meat, many identifying as ‘flexitarians ‘. January 2021. Sourced from here.
Source 9. Mintel. Cater to the “why” behind flexitarian eating. November 2019. 
Source 10. Food Dive. How to make food and drink Generation Z will crave. September 2019. Sourced from here.

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