family eating cereal

Adding Fun to Functional Breakfast Cereals

Functional breakfast cereals deliver on health but can sometimes lack excitement. Upgrading the flavor and visuals is an opportunity for brands to put the fun back into breakfast cereal.

What Are Functional Breakfast Cereals?

Functional breakfast cereals are cereals that provide a specific health benefit. For example, an oat cereal may offer cholesterol-reducing benefits, while a cereal with added inulin provides prebiotics that support gut bacteria. 

Keto cereals, which include brands such as Wonderworks, Schoolyard Snacks, and Magic Spoon, are an emerging functional cereal category that aims to support benefits associated with the keto diet like weight loss and increased energy. These cereals are very high in protein and low in net carbs.

Engaging with Flavors

Today’s consumers want healthy breakfasts, but they also crave variety. Among US consumers, 55% agree that having a variety of breakfast cereals in the cupboard keeps them from getting bored with them, while 60% enjoy switching between cereal brands for the sake of variety.1 33% say they enjoy trying new breakfast cereals.2

Experimenting with flavors is a way for brands to meet consumers’ desire for variety and stand out from other functional cereals. This includes using unexpected flavors—flavors beyond chocolate, honey, and the typical fruit flavors—or using new flavor combinations. 


Cereals in seasonal flavors can also attract consumers, offering excitement and tapping into nostalgia. Fall flavors can include pumpkin spice, while peppermint is perfect for winter.

Adding Visual Spark

Don’t forget the importance of visual appeal. In fact, many consumers are used to adding their own toppings (essentially decorating their cereal), which upgrades both the taste and appearance. In the UK, 63% of cereal consumers like to add extra ingredients to their cereal.3

OffLimits Cereal Glitter illustrates the opportunity in truly eye-catching toppings. OffLimits sells a line of cereals, as well as an edible glitter that consumers can sprinkle onto their cereal. Not only does it add sparkle to the cereal, but it also turns the milk blue (from butterfly pea flower). Our own EdiSparklz edible glitter can be used as a cereal topping or inclusion.

Make Your Cereal Sparkle

As a leader in nutritional ingredients, we know what it takes to make functional cereals that support today’s healthy lifestyles. And thanks to our EdiSparklz edible glitter and extensive library of craveable flavors, we also know how to make them look and taste delicious. Our cereal solutions also include essential micronutrients, custom premixes, and extruded Crunchie™ Milk Protein Bites that make an ideal base for functional protein cereals.


1-3. Mintel, Add a touch of magic to the breakfast bowl, January 2022.

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