Bioactives for Active Women

Bioactives for Active Women

Bioactives for active women support their nutritional needs and help them feel their best.

Why for Active Women?

Active women are an important market for health and nutrition companies. Active women are more engaged in their personal health than less active women and have a greater awareness of a broad range of healthy ingredients and nutrients. 

Their active lifestyles are part of who they are, and they’re open to products that can help them maintain their health and energy so they can feel their best. Products from beverages to bars fortified with the most beneficial bioactives for active women—like those for strength, endurance, immunity, and healthy weight—will grab their attention.

Bioactive Ingredients with Trusted Benefits

With more consumers reaching for functional foods and beverages to support their wellness, brands that focus on science-backed ingredients with real benefits can engage consumers, build trust, and grow their brand. Appealing to active women consumers should be a key part of this strategy.

From our innovative solutions like FerriUp™ for iron, energy, and immune support to Prolibra® and CapsiAtra® to support healthy weight and body composition, as well as our MCT-C8 coconut-based KetoSure MCT™ for keto dieters, we are on the cutting edge of bioactive ingredients.

Interested in ways to better support your active female consumers? Our Active Women Bioactives can get you started. Contact Glanbia Nutritionals to learn more.


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