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The Ketogenic Diet and Your Consumer

The number of new keto-focused food and beverage product launches has doubled in the past year, indicating that there is continued interest among consumers for…

Bright Opportunities in Bakery Trends

In the aftermath of the pandemic consumers have developed a stronger appreciation for the food they eat, from how it makes them feel to where is comes from.
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Snacking in the UK & Ireland: A Case Study

Glanbia Nutritionals fielded a proprietary primary research study to evaluate consumer attitude and perception of various attributes when it comes to snacking…
woman watching webinar

MegaTrends Webinar

The Insights team at Glanbia Nutritionals has not only been continuously analyzing sources such as market reports and social media, but since the beginning of…
home workout

The Home Workout Warrior

For more information on our Home Workout Warrior concepts, ingredient solutions, and insights, contact us.

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