woman looking at beverages

Modern Beverage Culture

Glanbia Nutritionals is excited to partner with The Hartman Group for this live event where we will be taking the audience on a journey through modern beverage culture.  

Consumers are leveling up their beverage choices — and their expectations. In this webinar, Melissa Abbott, VP at the Hartman Group, will share six key need states driving beverage choices from Hartman’s Modern Beverage Need State Model as a way to identify opportunities in the beverage marketplace and unmet needs of today’s consumer.

Duration: 1 hour

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 20th at 8am PT/10am CT


Meet Our Presenter

Melissa Abbott
Vice President – Syndicated Studies, The Hartman Group

Melissa has tracked key trends in the health, wellness, food and retail industries for over 20 years and has developed a deep understanding of retail & cultural trends across a wide array of products and categories. Melissa leads Hartman’s Syndicated Studies division and progressive consumer trends research. She has an MS in Food Marketing from the National University of Ireland, Cork and a BS in Political Communication from Emerson College and has appeared on The Food Network as well as numerous national media annually.


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